
Figures I’m now doing everything in spurts to get it out of the way and make room on the schedule for the next task… I just got through packing lunches for the rest of the week, now I’m getting all the bloggage out of the way, because I certainly won’t have time for the next few days. This is now what my weekly schedule is looking like:

Monday: Work from 8am to 5pm, spend lunch working on Calculus homework, Japanese class from 6pm until at least 930pm

Tuesday: Work from 9am to 6pm, spend lunch working on Calculus homework, go home and do the Japanese homework that was assigned Monday (2-3 hours worth)

Wednesday: Work from 8am to 5pm, spend lunch working on Calculus homework, Japanese class from 6pm until at least 930pm

Thursday: Work from 9am to 6pm, spend lunch working on Calculus homework, go home and do the Japanese homework that was assigned Wednesday (2-3 hours worth)

Friday: Work from 8am to 5pm, spend lunch working on Calculus homework, hopefully chill and watch some glorious mid-major football game the rest of the evening

Saturday: Calculus class from 9am until 1230pm, fail at getting any homework done because college football runs continuously until midnight

Sunday: Calculus class from 9am until 1230pm, go to parents house and do an hour or two of homework while they are making lunch, go buy food for the week, then go home and do laundry – and more homework

So Monday through Thursday I am booked completely solid, Friday I get a little bit of a break, Saturday I do basically nothing because I’m hardwired to take in as much collegiate violence as possible, and Sunday I just get ready to repeat the process all over again. The days I don’t have class I have work and homework, and the days I don’t have work I have class and homework. I’m glad I quit World Of Warcraft and sold my account, because I wouldn’t have time for that shit anyway. (Incidentally, I noticed my character hasn’t been updated in the Armory since I sold the account so it looks like the Chinese farmers paid me $150 for nothing! Owned.)

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