Category: Food

This is Why I’m Fat

So for the past couple weeks I’ve been seeing commercials for this new sandwich at KFC called the Double Down. It’s 2 chicken patties, cheese, bacon, and special sauce. Oh, and no bun.

Little did I know however, that this sandwich is apparently being tested in Omaha. So I was a little surprised when I found out that it made its way on to various websites this week – most of them taking the same tone I took when I saw the commercial. Namely, “who the hell would eat that?”

Well, this afternoon my AIM lights up with the following:
[1314.40] **:
[1314.42] **: dude…
[1314.43] **: dude…
[1314.49] **: its in omaha … you HAVE to go and take pictures

So that “who” became me. I trekked back to Omaha and went to the KFC which is incidentally 5 minutes from my parents house, and gave this thing a whirl. Pictures ensue:

As you can see, it is what it is. It’s a double chicken sandwich without a bun. The chicken filets are pretty decent-sized, not those burger-sized things you can buy by the bagful out of the frozen section at your grocery store. It tasted pretty good, but it was a bit of a mess to eat and I’m sure it is going to make my heart explode a good 8-10 minutes earlier than it was scheduled to before. In short, I’d probably eat this again, but with a fork. B-

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No Rest For the Weary

Ok, so I was chilling Saturday afternoon and I got the message from Weeda – Canning’s over at his place and they’re chilling and drinking some alcohol. Rolled over there and hung out for a couple of hours, then we invaded Rose Garden and got some beer on the way back. I forget how many beers I had, but by the time I left at about 11pm there were only 4 of them left out of a pack of 24. Oh yeah, and chili-flavored ramen noodles with cayenne pepper is the BOMB. There’s nothing like breathing fire when you’re drunk.

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