Month: December 2005

Jumping on the bandwagon…

Ok, so noob decided he was going to use WordPress, then his brother decided to do the same, now I’m going to give it a shot. It’s in testing right now until I can figure out exactly how to edit the template without completely screwing it up, but once that’s done it’ll go live.

Also, super top secret project #2 is underway.

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More shit

Yeah, so it’s kind of cold out there. A balmy -3 last time ForecastFox showed me a weather report, and it has snowed several times since last week. That’s ridiculous, but I guess it’s better than sweating my ass off in 100 degree heat on the drive home from work every afternoon this summer. Thing about being hot or being cold is… if you get cold, you can turn up the heat and pile on as many blankets as it takes to warm back up. If you get too hot, you can only take off so many articles of clothing before you’re completely naked, and then you’re screwed because you’ll start offending people and there’s still no guarantee you would cool off. It’s a lose-lose situation, I tell you.

Inventory page is progressing well. I logged in a few hours tonight working on that after I got home from work and hashed out a good chunk of the price list. All I have to do is straighten up the layout and code the section to actually edit the prices. I want to make sure I get that done right since any given operation in that department is going to hit at least a couple dozen records, and I don’t want to blow the database up. 4am is not the best time of night to be blowing your database up. At any rate, the upshot for me is there has been some interest from some other folks about using the software I’m writing for their own inventory management. Some changes will need to be made, but it wouldn’t be anything major. Unfortunately since this is all coded in ASP.Net I don’t have a way of putting it up on this server to demo for people. However, Dreamhost does have Ruby On Rails installed on their servers, and I do happen to have a Ruby On Rails book… next project, maybe?

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